

  1. make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.”the company’s failure to diversify and innovate competitively”
  2. introduce (something new, especially a product).”innovating new products, developing existing ones”

Time and time again, I take a flying leap. I’m in the air and realize I have no wings. I might just crash and burn, or I can innovate. Take for example this A-Z challenge. I’m all for challenges. I know some people plan these types of things, like for months. Me? Well, I just make up my mind and do it—often at the last minute, without a plan or perhaps with a few sketchy ideas. Then I have no other option than to innovate. Such is life. We must figure it out—one day at a time.

Video suggested by Jerry Snider @ theartofbecomingawildflower – Ready to Blossom? (

I’m humbled by those of you who chose to read my A-Z Challenge post today and especially for those who returned for more. After a year stuck mainly at home, I wanted to try some new things, you know, innovate a bit. Maybe you would, too. And so this April, I’m sticking to a theme of action: mental, physical, and spiritual, things I might already do or haven’t attempted in years or maybe never. You know what else I’m doing this month? Click here to see: AbstainBalletCartwheelDevoteEncourage, Forgive, Google, Headstand.

20 thoughts on “Innovate.

  1. I like your adventurous, bold spirit, Crystal. I share this trait with you. Some call it being impetuous. I call it being ALIVE!

    I’m enjoying your A-Z challenge. It’s the, “What will she say next?” aspect that keeps me reading.

    🙏❤️ prayers and love.


    1. In sixth grade, I wrote a children’s book about a mouse named Isabella who became a princess. I don’t know what happened to the book or how Isabella transformed, I just remember spending time on the illustrations. How’s that for a mouse story?

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  2. Innovation has been the subtext of this pandemic. For all of us. Great word to use for your “I” and one that suggests more great A to Z posts to come.


  3. Innovation is a key aspect to life. I have been substitute teaching in S.T.E.M. classes recently and one of the processes we talk about all the time is improving our ideas. Innovation in a technical or personal sense can certainly help in many problems that come our way. I’m really enjoying all your A to Z posts this year.


    1. Baskin Robbins has 32 flavors (or at least they did). That’s pretty innovative. Ben and Jerry have 54, and their names are as amazing as OPI nail polish. You could be on to something, Cheryl.

      Liked by 1 person

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