
The day before yesterday while out grocery shopping, I racked my brain for letter G options for today’s A-Z challenge post. I felt grateful for the food soon to be on my table, but I was stumped as far as posts go.

Back at home later that day, I Googledverbs that begin with the letter G. I considered giggle, graduate, and give, but I had covered those topics recently. I had nothing new to say.

That same day I Googled the past tense of lie (which I look up over and over) and benefits of standing on your head. I realized I had twenty opened tabs, and I wondered if other people’s browsers looked like mine.

I had a page opened via Google for You can copy and paste your writing into this App, and it highlights problem areas such as passive voice and adverbs and hard to read sentences.

Another opened tab of Googled information included Selenium from Se-methylselenocysteine and Carbonyl Iron which a reader mentioned to me as an alternative treatment for schizophrenia.  

I had searched for the definition of Anosognosia for my memoir in progress, and Google took me to the Treatment Advocacy Center website, the tab still opened. Also called “lack of insight,” Anosognosia is a symptom of severe mental illness caused by physical damage to the brain that impairs a person’s ability to understand and perceive his or her illness. It is the single largest reason why 40-50% of people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder refuse medications or do not seek treatment.

I had an opened tab for Chase Oaks Church from a recent Sunday service and one for the Royal Academy of Dance for my third ballet lesson at home and one for the Serenity Prayer. All Googled.

A little over three and a half years ago I Googled WordPress, signed up for an account, and started publishing myself for others to Google. I feel like this post could go on and on. Isn’t it amazing the resources at our fingertips?

Thanks for reading my A-Z Challenge ramble today. This April, I’m sticking to a theme of action: mental, physical, and spiritual, things I might already do or haven’t attempted in years or maybe never. You know what else I’m doing this month? Click here to see: AbstainBalletCartwheelDevoteEncourage, Forgive.

30 thoughts on “Google.

  1. Are you saying that it isn’t usual to have twenty tabs open at one time? There are times I believe tabs are kin to clothes hangers left alone in a closet. Start with two, end up with twenty-two and wonder which one is the one you really want to work from at the moment. Even my son has stopped commenting on the tab effect, just sees, shakes his head and wanders off to create his own mayhem in another part of the house.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As I wrote this post and linked some of the information, I started closing tabs, but not all of them. I’m not sure how everyone else operates. I should’ve Googled—how to take a poll on WordPress.


  2. I’m all about following my curiosity and Google is my friend. They used to call it *surfing the net* but I suppose saying that makes me a dinosaur. I could Google that, couldn’t I?


  3. Go get groceries. Gas guzzled. Good God – groceries gone, Gone, GONE!

    Gamble Google’s got… Great! Gleeful guffaws.

    I actually can remember a world before Google, yet I scarcely believe such a place ever existed, really. Clever appreciation of the air we all breathe now, Crystal!


    1. Good Grief! Clearly, I must Go for a walk, maybe even barefoot in the soft Green Grass, and take some extra time to breathe some fresh air and not the Googly kind.


  4. From the Chase Oaks Church – ‘Which would you rather live by: fairness, or forgiveness? One excludes the other.’ I don’t think that is so. A lot of individuals have terrible biological difficulties. Fairness demands that these difficulties be taken into account when behavior is judged. When the difficulties individuals are taken into account there can be forgiveness for individuals not meeting ideal standards. Fairness and forgiveness, however, do not dethrone ideals nor negate the need to constrain individuals in various circumstances .

    I did not listen to the sermon so these statements are not directed at the sermon.


    1. I fully understand biological differences, and I hate that for you.

      As part of an Easter series, the pastor speaks of Jesus’s last words on the cross and what was important to him in those final moments—forgiveness—and how God loves us no matter what.


  5. Thank you for sharing!!… as Mahatma Gandhi said; “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” (Mahatma Gandhi) and there is a lot about this ole universe and me that I need to discover and Goggling is just one method… “Any piece of knowledge I acquire today has a value at this moment exactly proportioned to my skill to deal with it. Tomorrow, when I know more, I will recall that piece of knowledge and use it better. “ (Mark van Doren )… 🙂

    Until we meet again..
    May your day be touched
    by a bit of Irish luck,
    Brightened by a song
    in your heart,
    And warmed by the smiles
    of people you love.
    (Irish Saying)


      1. “ I am currently attending the School of Life, learning more about the universe and me… and Graduation Day will be the day of my funeral and it is then I will know if I failed or I succeeded and graduated”… (Larry “Dutch” Woller)… 🙂

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