Just When I Felt

…like writing, I tapped out a sentence or two and noticed my laptop battery at 0% and not holding the charge. My screen faded to black.

My AC adapter doesn’t care to stay plugged into the power port. It keeps slipping out. Is it broken?


That, or it has a mind of its own.

Kody is my tech guru. When he comes home, I’ll have him take a look. Until then, I guess I’ll read a book.

Eenie meanie miney moe.

62 thoughts on “Just When I Felt

      1. I agree. Phones are better than nothing. I hate even a simple blog post on my phone, but I struggled with it enough this winter, that it is marginally less painful than it was earlier.


    1. Usually I start blog posts in Word and then copy and paste into WordPress. Today, I scrapped my idea for another post and tapped this one into my phone. My laptop shouldn’t be on its last leg. Hopefully it’s an easy fix.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Your friends are here, Crystal, waiting eagerly. No matter whether that means us, here on WP, or your pals stacked and ready in the picture above.

    In both cases, too, there are many more just beyond the foreground.

    Your reluctance to do this whole blogging thing by palm is far from unique. Both the WP and IG apps are installed on my phone, and I have explored both occasionally, but I much prefer my desktop, amidst the library and next to an open window letting in June’s glorious sunshine, birdsong and playful shouts.


    1. Friends, friends everywhere! I spent some time with Ray Bradbury, Alice Munro, and Job (as in the book of) today. Plus, poets Emma Lazarus (The New Colossus) and Lydia Davis (Head, Heart). It was lovely.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hopefully it will be an easy fix. I usually type my posts on word and then copy paste it on WordPress, so I always use my laptop. My phone, is used for replying to comments etc. You did good with a smaller post from your phone 😊👍🏽.


    1. I love it! I sent this to my six-year-old niece who loves cats and strawberries, and that was her response: I love it! Thanks for sharing the good stuff, Jerry! Isn’t technology amazing?


      1. I think it’s good to alternate between typing and writing longhand. It shakes things up a bit. Though publishing a post in longhand would not exactly work 😉


      2. Yes!! I’ve been taking more pics with my phone than ever these days. It’s amazing how good they are using cell phones isn’t it?


  3. I feel like it’s more amazing when technology works. So many ways in which it can go sideways. Of course your books will keep you company in the meantime. 🤓


    1. Tru dat, Ally. Believe it or not, I have a new reading strategy, inspired by you, through E. A. Wickham and Ray Bradbury. That’s what I sat down to write about yesterday before my screen went dark. Post pending.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for sharing!! hopefully Kody will get you up and running….perhaps it is life trying to tell you something… 🙂 🙂

    Dust if you must, but wouldn’t it be better
    to paint a picture, or write a letter,
    bake a cake, or plant a seed.
    Ponder the difference between want and need.

    Dust if you must, but there is not much time,
    with rivers to swim and mountains to climb!
    Music to hear, and books to read,
    friends to cherish and life to lead.

    Dust if you must, but the world’s out there
    with the sun in your eyes, the wind in your hair,
    a flutter of snow, a shower of rain,
    this day will not come round again.

    Dust if you must, but bear in mind,
    old age will come and it’s not kind.
    And when you go, and go you must,
    you, yourself, will make more dust!
    (Rose Milligan)

    Hope life is all that you wish for it to be and until we meet again..
    May your day be touched
    by a bit of Irish luck,
    Brightened by a song
    in your heart,
    And warmed by the smiles
    of people you love.
    (Irish Saying)


  5. I feel your frustration, but I think this was one of those times when you had a plan and God had a better one. Don’t you love it that books are friends that are always there for you!


  6. Sometimes technology isn’t what it is cracked up to be! Every now and then, I like to just hand write in a notebook! I guess you could call it journaling🤣🤣. Regardless, there is something about writing something out by hand into a notebook they just can’t get with a computer. As for reading, I have rediscovered my love reading in the last year and it’s taking up a lot of time!!!!


  7. Good for you Crystal, reading in on par with writing in my opinion! Although writing captures me for longer periods and won’t let me go! Hope you got it all fixed. Hugs, C


    1. I’ve had focusing issues in recent months, so to fall in love with books again…❤️…just good for my soul. As for my laptop, Kody fixed it with a little time and an $8 part ordered through Amazon.

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  8. Technology is not easy. Supposedly it’s made to be more accessible. It’s only frustrating at times, instead. I love your books. If you get a moment, send me some of your focusing strength . I have four novels sitting on my bookshelf, waiting for me to read.


    1. When I was teaching this past spring, I researched benefits of reading in order to persuade my students to do it. Research says six minutes of reading reduces stress by lowering your heart rate. Focus on each word as if you are meditating, and hear your voice inside your head. That’s what I said to the kids, and at the end of six minutes, they wanted to keep reading. I hope that helps you.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I hear your frustration Crystal. I can remember years ago when my laptop crashed for a final time. It wouldn’t stay powered up. It always pays dividends to have a backup plan.


      1. Wonderful! We all can benefit from our “unplugged” moments. Summer is flying by. My wife and I will be traveling to Montana in a few days to see family.


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