Summer Vibes

I didn’t feel like it, so I didn’t worry about it. Maybe no one noticed. It’s not like this is a paid position, and I could have other, more productive things to do. Productivity improves well-being. Time is precious. My brain power is limited. My eyes get tired. How often do I stumble across the benefits of decreasing screen time? Greater mindfulness. Improved sleep. Deeper connections. More productivity. Breaking the habit. (For more information click link to Greater Good.)

Maybe Ally’s recent post was on my mind. She announced SPRING/SUMMER hours—cutting back from weekly posts to posting every couple of weeks and trying to keep up with other bloggers every so often. I get it. Sometimes it’s tough to keep up. Sometimes I ask myself why I feel compelled. Maybe Ally is onto something: it’s okay to take a break. Perhaps it’s GOOD to take a break. Perhaps the break will rejuvenate my blogging spirit. Perhaps the break will inspire MORE healthy decisions.

In eight years of blogging, I haven’t tried summer hours. But—the time has come. I need a break, and I’m proud of myself for listening to my gut. My gut says, “You might want to post next week.” If so, I will. I’m giving myself the freedom to choose. In the name of summer and breaks and self-care, it’s not you. It’s me. In the name of Faith and Gratitude, Peace and Hope, I love you guys and appreciate so much the support felt here.


How do you know when it’s time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen?

91 thoughts on “Summer Vibes

  1. Summer hours. What a magical notion. Like a grown-up snow day. Even better, because it’s decided by mature people who really get it: we need downtime. Recharge our batteries and not defy the rising temps. LOVE THIS!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. A good term to use. Posting should never seem like a chore, else we would all feel like we were at work. Enjoy your summer hours Crystal. We should all still be here. 🧺🏖️🩴Allan

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the shoutout. I used to post all the time, but then I discovered the concept of Summer Hours and my life has been better. Live [or relax] first, blog later. My motto. See ‘ya when I see ‘ya.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Live first, blog later. Great motto! I’m excited to try some new things and increase my step count without feeling I need to write about all of it. Then again, maybe I will write without posting. I love a good mystery. TBD.

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  4. “Hey, don’t give me ‘It’s not you, it’s me.” I invented ‘It’s not you, it’s me!’ If it’s anyone, it’s me.”

    Actually, the George Costanza quote points to your decision’s wisdom, Crystal. Why’d we start our blogs in the first place? To enhance life, to make it happier and more complete. Not for the joyless drudgery of forcing ourselves to meet self-imposed deadlines. That’s cubicle-thought right there.

    A couple years ago I sought advice on expanding my audience. Almost to an individual, people and sites advised me to post more often. Once a day if possible.

    Nope, not that way. Unfair to me, unfair to readers.

    So here I am, posting once a week, and the returns keep accumulating. And I still have plenty of time for the 99% of life which happens beyond the screen.

    You’ll enjoy similar relaxation, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Keith, 😂 thanks for that! I’ve often thought about the point of self-imposed deadlines. And I’m sure I could quantify my screen time with the click of a button, but do I really want to know?

      Anyway, now that I’ve made this BIG announcement, I should probably go ahead and at least take a week off.

      C U L8r. HAGS.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. School’s out and summer vacation’s in. Enjoy the break, Crystal!

        Just a warning, though, “What I Did This Summer” will be expected in September. Yeah, I know, cake assignment, as you always have so much to share.


      1. Thanks, Crystal. From your comment, I’m guessing you read about the loss of the new foal, Elvis. The baby was really cute in the pictures. Glad you liked the impromptu rhyme.


  5. Excellent blog post Crystal. Well, I for one applaud👏👏 your decision to listen to your gut and do what is right.

    Also, this is life, a break is not just needed but it is Mandatory in our lives because if we don’t take a break we risk our lives by putting ourselves under pressure and stress that leads to burnouts.

    Moreover, the break will enable you to come back at blogging with a refreshed mindset. Even the Police take a break from chasing bad guys by actually going on leave.

    Lastly, I wish you an amazing break from blogging. I will still support your blog, I find it quite interesting Crystal🙌🙌💯

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Mthobisi! I had a conversation with a friend yesterday who was feeling guilt over wanting to cut back on time spent in a volunteer position.

      I said, “You should listen to your gut. It’s okay to cutback.” She appreciated my perspective, and I realized I needed to listen to myself.

      See you before too long. 👋🏻


  6. I totally understand—
    I’m letting go of too many to mention!
    Sure glad I have your phone # – 😘🤗
    Love 💕
    Sent from my iPhone

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  7. I’ve been at this for a little over five years now, not knowing if it would go more than one month. I feel no guilt about taking breaks when necessary. I’ve reduced my posts from every 7-10 days to 1-2 a month for the past year and a half. That’s what works for me. I have no idea how some manage to write something each day, but more power if that works for them. See you of the flip side, Crystal.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Enjoy your summer hours. I fully support this idea. Sometimes we do need that freedom, it feels liberating and less burdensome, often indicative of the need for a season of less in that particular area.

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  9. Yup. Ya gotta take care of you. No one else will…

    I haven’t opted for Summer Hours. More like “David’s hours” – I post and interact when I’ve got the bandwidth. And I don’t when I don’t.

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  10. That sounds like a great plan Crystal. I’ve considered doing similar, either taking a long break or giving myself to only post when I feel the urge to write/create not just a sense of obligation. Enjoy your break.

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  11. Communicating with others online is a good thing–writing posts, reading comments and responding to them, reading others’ posts and responding to those. All really good things, but they can require a lot of time and energy. Sometimes it can feel like being on a gerbil wheel–especially if you get “behind.” I applaud your choice; do what is best for you. I like the way you leave the door open for yourself. You’ll post during the break if you want to. I will miss your posts, but am sure you are doing what is right for you and anticipate that you will return in your own time, refreshed and rejuvenated with great ideas and memories to share. Enjoy your new schedule/approach!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Linda! I see myself posting less vs. not at all. I have certain things on my to-do list and keep procrastinating. I hope to check everything off (or at least the big ones) in this downtime along with doing some things that make me feel alive. Sending love!!


  12. Best advice out there. I have been staying low lately as well. Since an estranged and obsessed family member found my site after years of me being hidden and able to be me, I have stayed offline as much as possible, but I still have pre-scheduled posts I have up from months ago as well as when I find the time to write that are posted. Have a fun break and a beautiful summer too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Take care of yourself! Advice to you and me both. I’ve noticed you’ve been quiet, but it’s really none of my business, so thanks for sharing! I like to think most of us are on a journey toward living our best lives. ❤️


  13. I love that – Summer Hours – are now being practiced! What a grand deal. I struggle with reading and writing durning vacation. So I just relax, release the guilt, and enjoy my time off. It’s a lot to write and keep up on our favorite blogs. You deserve the break. Enjoy. Hugs, C

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Yes when I posts it feels good not like a chore at all I love my hobbies even if nobody else does it’s for me and whoever enjoys it I don’t care to dwell on what someone else would think.. life is to live while we are on this earth thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I have the opposite dilemma. From August through May (during school) I have limited time to post. However, when on break, and during the summer, I become a budding writer again.
    My somewhat successful strategy has been to write frequently, but post sparingly.

    I miss your contributions, Crystal! I hope you don’t stop blogging all together. Your thoughts, and book reviews, about the writing craft have been my favs.

    Frankly, you’re an excellent writer. So, please keep writing—even if it’s not on WP. And, for Pete’s sake, read my offerings and give me a grade.🤗

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Indeed follow your gut. I keep a daily journal and every now and then I miss a day, but I never feel too guilty about it. I just pickup where I’m at… life is too short to stress about the things we didn’t get to. 😜

    Liked by 2 people

  17. I used to post more often, but since developing health issues and having caregiving responsibilities, I’ve only been posting every couple of weeks. I’m a strong believer in quality over quantity anyway. I do enjoy your posts.


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