Summer Vibes

I didn’t feel like it, so I didn’t worry about it. Maybe no one noticed. It’s not like this is a paid position, and I could have other, more productive things to do. Productivity improves well-being. Time is precious. My brain power is limited. My eyes get tired. How often do I stumble across the benefits of decreasing screen time? Greater mindfulness. Improved sleep. Deeper connections. More productivity. Breaking the habit. (For more information click link to Greater Good.)

Maybe Ally’s recent post was on my mind. She announced SPRING/SUMMER hours—cutting back from weekly posts to posting every couple of weeks and trying to keep up with other bloggers every so often. I get it. Sometimes it’s tough to keep up. Sometimes I ask myself why I feel compelled. Maybe Ally is onto something: it’s okay to take a break. Perhaps it’s GOOD to take a break. Perhaps the break will rejuvenate my blogging spirit. Perhaps the break will inspire MORE healthy decisions.

In seven years of blogging, I haven’t tried summer hours. But—the time has come. I need a break, and I’m proud of myself for listening to my gut. My gut says, “You might want to post next week.” If so, I will. I’m giving myself the freedom to choose. In the name of summer and breaks and self-care, it’s not you. It’s me. In the name of Faith and Gratitude, Peace and Hope, I love you guys and appreciate so much the support felt here.


How do you know when it’s time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen?