A Dental Exam and Goat Yoga

Last week at my routine dental cleaning, my wonderful hygienist Jessica told me about an upcoming goat yoga event in Galveston.

“That sounds so fun,” I said between x-rays. “I just might have to look into that.”

Crystal for the photo credit.

Speaking of x-rays, I have a condition called mandibular tori, a bony growth on the floor of my mouth under my tongue. Some people are born with this and others develop it later in life. It’s not harmful but somewhat uncommon, “affecting about 27 out of every 1000 adults in the United States.” Because of my tori (plural of torus), dental x-rays suck. I’ve had some super painful experiences. Reason #1 I love Jessica: she makes the process comfortable. Now that’s a skill.

Reason #2. At my last appointment, during that phase when I would cry almost every time someone asked how I was doing, I had a moment with Jessica. My tears unleashed. She wrote down her phone number. “Call me anytime,” she said as she handed me the slip of paper.

Last week, Jessica told me how great it was to see me smiling, and like that we became friends. Before leaving that day, I said, “Have fun at goat yoga! You just might see me there.”

The next morning my phone rang. It was Jessica. “I wanted to tell you, goat yoga isn’t in Galveston,” she said. “It’s at Galveston Bay Brewing in Kemah.” I wasn’t sure I would make it, but after hanging up, I knew I would regret not going. I appreciated the call, Googled for more info, and purchased my ticket.

Then, Sunday just before noon, I drove to Kemah. For goat yoga. At a bar. What the F was I thinking?

Zoom in for a second goat taking a flying leap onto my back.
I read somewhere I should wear a t-shirt. Solid advice!

I would prefer not to tell you I took a head butt with a horn and bled on my towel. I suppose that’s why I signed a liability release. Goat yoga takes tough skin. Literally. Such is life. Still, as I look at my photos, I can’t help laughing, and a good LOL is always worth it 😂.

One of the bigger billies.

P.S. Jessica had an emergency and couldn’t make it. That’s okay. All is well.

107 thoughts on “A Dental Exam and Goat Yoga

  1. Oh, my goodness this is a riot. I love the caption about the goat making a flying leap onto your back. “Um, hello mr or mrs goat, do you mind? One goat at a time if you don’t mind.” A few former coworkers have done goat yoga and love it. I especially love that it was at a bar. The same place you would go to grab a beer and play corn hole, you can go to have a bunch of goats jump on your back. Very cool. Ha, Ha. Thanks for bringing us along with you.

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    1. I had a fear of people watching the spectacle through the window or from the patio, but it was more private than what I imagined. I also imagined sticking around for a beer, but there in my sweaty yoga clothes with my head wound, I decided to drive on home. Before I hit the highway, a taco shop called my name. And they served me a Dos Equis.


  2. Hey there, Crystal. The last time I went to the dentist he told me my teeth are okay but my gums need to come out. He wanted a thousand dollars but if i couldn’t afford that he would touch up my x-rays for only fifty dollars. go figure. Now, about those goats. I’m glad you had a good time and it may not be any of my business but if I were you I would plan on skipping the yoga session with elephants. Just saying. Have a happy goat super doodle day1 Jerry

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  3. What a wonderful post! I love dear Jessica’s skill at taking x-rays and making friends! And the goat yoga – wow, you are amazing, Crystal. Good for you for trying it out. I’m wondering though – all the goats seem circled around you. You must be the kind of person that both humans and animals want to be around!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s hilarious, Crystal! Now that makes sense. But I still think you are the type of person who is beloved by people and animals! 🙂


  4. This is one of the most alluring titles I’ve ever seen. I was tapping for more a millisecond after I read it. This is certainly not a cookie cutter post, either. I bet no one else on WP posted today about dental exams and goat 🐐 yoga. It looks fun! PS. I’ve been head butted by a goat before. It hurts! I quickly learned not to turn my back on them.

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    1. Ray Bradbury talks about the power of juxtaposed words. I can’t stop thinking of one of his book titles Dandelion Wine. That’s much more poetic than A Dental Exam and Goat Yoga, but it thrills me you like mine. As for my head, it still hurts today. I don’t think I’m concussed.


  5. Haha! Nothing is funnier than real life. Goat yoga—where has this been all my life? Most likely it’s been around and I’ve had my head in the proverbial clouds.

    I have to know more. Are goats trained to do this, or is this in their nature? I’d like to see a goat leaping onto someone’s back, let alone two. Aren’t you popular?🤣 My few experiences with goats would never allow me to trust one not to give me a headbutt.

    Jessica sounds like a wonderful person.

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    1. Pete, I probably should have asked more questions. In my mind, climbing is in their nature as kin to the mountain goat, but I’m no goat expert. These goats either really loved me or wanted to wrangle me into submission. As for Jessica, you’re spot on.

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  6. Thank you for sharing this! I’ve wondered what the attraction to yoga with goats is. Your pictures are fantastic and bring many smiles! Thank God for kind people and good for you for taking the plunge!

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  7. Oh. My. Lord. I was just talking about goat yoga with someone over the weekend. Looks like those goats loved you, Crystal. They seemed to be swarming only you! I’ve always thought goats were cute, but I hear they smell. Hope the head-butt wasn’t too serious. Looks like you made lots of friends.

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  8. I’ve now, seen it all & know it all.
    #goat yoga
    #bucket list ?
    # return visit ?
    # A bar— WTF was I thinking 🤔
    Good for you & new life experiences!
    Love ❤️ this story! And, I had to laugh! Sorry your head bled. Wear a bike helmet next visit! 🙄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear NanaDanaMom,

      No need for repeat goat yoga. Next time I might grab a beer and cheer on the others, protect my head…from afar…at the bar.


      P.S. Happy you had a good chuckle!


  9. Sunday was your life in miniature, Crystal. Take a chance, then after a bit of the rough-and-tumble, bruises. By the time you realize what’s happening, though, you’re smiling. A bunch. And laughing, lots.

    Things are remarkably brighter now. Looking back still brings laughter, taco in one hand and a Dosecky in the other.

    As for the Gentle Dental, you showed up for your play-date. You have the bumps and photos to prove it. Well… “OK, Jessica, my turn. I heard of this place, where instead of….”

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  10. I have raised a goat, but I don’t think I want to have one standing on my back or butting my head! I’m sure a lot of laughing goes on in those classes. At least it takes off the pressure to do it all perfectly!

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  11. Crystal, I am forever amazed how you let life lead you, and how open you are to new experiences! I’m sorry but I would have ponied up to the bar and skipped the yoga! They were seriously all over you! Bravo, I’m unduly impressed and loved the pics! Hugs, C

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    1. The pics were worth it. Especially the live ones. Too bad they won’t post to WordPress. 😂 I found a local taco shop on the way home and had a Dos Equis or dos to complete my adventure. The tacos were so good—I brought extra home. Tacos cure.

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  12. This can’t be real life 🤣. I can’t tell you how much I laughed when I saw these pictures! I’m not sure what I thought when I read goat yoga, lol! Maybe I didn’t read it right. Omg, hilarious 😂. I’m glad you 😄 went. They’re adorable 😍. I probably would’ve laughed the whole time. My funny bone is pretty funny 😄. Thanks for sharing.

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  13. Hey there! Wow, sounds like you had quite the adventure with goat yoga at a bar in Kemah! Who knew goats and brews could be such a wild combination? 🐐🍻 Sorry to hear about the head butt incident, though. Goats sure can be feisty, but at least you had the liability release to cover you. It’s all part of the goat yoga experience, right? 😄 And hey, even without Jessica, you embraced the moment and had a good laugh. That’s the spirit! Cheers to embracing the unexpected and making unforgettable memories, my friend! 🥳🐒✈️

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      1. I don’t think I have. I went to a place that served beer and had goats as a main attraction, but I hadn’t actually paid attention to their faces.


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