My Grandmother’s Legacy

Grandma had a ninth or tenth grade education. Even so, she had a gift for words. Sometime in her mid-fifties, she wrote out her memoirs, long hand. Somewhere along the way, my mother made copies of those pages that mean more to me than anything else Grandma left behind. She has been gone for thirty years this December. The 11th. 1991. One month later, I would give birth to a baby girl. My grandmother’s legacy and love would live.

My Legacy by Catherine Savage

“I’ve never really enjoyed anything written in the first person—a primary rule about writing, and one of the few I know. Even in a letter is the abhorrence of the word or letter I. But just how do you begin or end or even put anything in the middle of this title without its use.

Money is such a transient thing, even more than life, that I haven’t considered it of great value. Possibly because I never had much money, I have just had a sour grapes attitude about it.

Love is the greatest commodity, and the giving of it always begets it. The thing I have to leave my children are their own lives. James Edward, Carol Rose, Sharon Sue, Joed Cleve, John Paul, each a lovely and loving person—all made possible by Edward Tony Savage.”

From l-r, my mother Sharon, aunt Carol, grandmother Catherine, uncles, Johnny, Joed, and Jimmy. Photo taken for a Wonder Bread campaign and missing my grandfather Ed, whom I’m sure was hard at work on an Oklahoma oil rig that day.

52 thoughts on “My Grandmother’s Legacy

  1. Such a beautiful post!
    I love that your grandmother took the time to write about her life and experiences. And what she said about love rang true down deep in me.
    Thank you for sharing! ❤


    1. Ironically, I didn’t realize I was a writer or that my grandmother was until later in life. These are the types of conversations a girl only wishes she could’ve had with her grandmother.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a blessing to have words from her own heart and hand on priceless pages. I wish my grandmother had left something like that. She sounds very wise. Xx


  3. Isn’t it cool how that works out, Crystal? Your daughter came along just in time to continue her great-grandma’s vitality.

    It’s a river which flows ceaselessly, your grandma’s writing and her memories. enriching everyone she touched. Including those, like your daughter, whom she hasn’t met (yet).

    A gifted writer, too, based on the memoir you excerpted above. Funny, my blog – at least the main articles – actively avoids using the “I” word. So, that approach has enlightened precedence? Didn’t realize this until a few minutes ago, that is! Thirty years later and 1,500 miles away, your grandmother still inspires!


      1. Oh, for sure, Crystal. This latest exchange just goes to show you don’t have to be a relative, even, for your grandmother’s wisdom to enlighten.

        Fair enough. As I recall, you enjoyed the apple pie my grandmother’s skills launched. I’ll see your grandmother and raise you one pastry.


  4. Such a beautiful thing to have your grandmother’s writing in memoir form. I’ve always wanted to interview someone with a great life (esp my grandmother, although there’s always been a terrible language barrier between us).

    Just beautiful! 💕


    1. Thank you so much, Jen! I’ve had this guest post on my mind for awhile.

      Maybe you start with an audio recording of the conversation. Have you heard of StoryCorps? They have an app that suggests questions. (They also turn people’s interview into animated short films. Speaking of heartwarming.)

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Big Sky. Putting myself in my mother’s shoes thirty years ago. Not realizing how hard it is to lose my mother until now. And wondering if I have another thirty years. Hoping my legacy lives.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. This is lovely 😍 I never has the pleasure of meeting my Grandmother nor do I have letters and I only have one photo of her. So, this is quite precious to me. What a lovely thing for you to share. My Grandmother passed away in 1970. 10 years before I was born. I wished more people understood how important Grandmothers are 🥺


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