To Blog (A-Z) or Not To Blog (A-Z) That Is the Question

One year ago, and for the first time ever, I blogged A-Z during the month of April as part of a challenge. I committed at the very last minute, wrote my first post A is for Apple on April 1st and posted it on the 2nd. I chose a theme of gratitude, which seemed important at the beginning of a pandemic and in keeping with the nature of my blog:

Faith + Gratitude = Peace + Hope.

Other than that, I didn’t have a big plan. I chose an attitude of gratitude for twenty-six days according to each letter of the alphabet and posted on the fly. It was all part of keeping my own sanity.

I missed this year’s big theme reveal day on March 8, and I read that technically I don’t have to stick to a theme. That’s what I love about blogging—freedom of voice. Whew!

This semester my MFA program comes to an end, and the deadline of my thesis looms on the horizon—April 26. Revisions continue on my memoir, a quest for help for my son who has a severe brain illness and a coming-of-age story of a middle-aged woman who realizes the only person she can truly help is herself. I see my work as a playbook of sorts for someone in my position and hope it’s relatable despite a person’s circumstances.  

During the spring semester of 2021, I’ve submitted the first two-thirds for feedback from my professor, and the next third is due at the end of March.

Parts I-III: 20,650 Words and 74 Pages

Parts IV-V: 23, 271 Words and 87 Pages

Parts VI-VII: 23,882 Words and 84 pages

Grand Total Today: 67,803 Words and 245 pages

Then, two more rounds of MAJOR revisions on my part, and after that three more professionals will read for extra opinions. So I might be mad to even consider a challenge. Then again, if I go for it, I might be building my audience of potential readers when the time comes to publish Help in the Time of Schizophrenia.

54 thoughts on “To Blog (A-Z) or Not To Blog (A-Z) That Is the Question

  1. Crystal, you are reaching the end of this chapter in your academic journey. You deserve all the joy that your writing has brought you. I never pursued an advanced degree so I congratulate you, and may your finished work receive the praise it so richly deserves. God’s peace!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. I go through this dilemma every spring, too. I did the A to Z Challenge in 2016 and enjoyed it. Met lots of people, but it is work to do the challenge. This year I’m bowing out again, having been inside using screens too much this past year.

    As for being close to earning a MFA, congrats. I remember how much work getting a Masters was, so if you do both the challenge and finish your thesis you will be a super woman. Can’t wait to see what you decide to do.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Crystal, you inspire us and bless us when you post! Yet you are busy even if you do not do the challenge, you can still blog some. In fact with all that you have happening there’s no way I could do the challenge! I don’t even do awards anymore because of the time factor. I guess I’m saying blog when you can but don’t feel pressured.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Crystal, you have a to-do list to beat all to-do lists! Make sure you schedule in enough time to take some deep breaths and feel satisfaction and personal fulfillment in what you’re accomplishing. Even joy! Bless you. 😊🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Crystal, first, congratulations on all you’ve accomplished. Even more so, on what you’re about to achieve. Naturally, the degree confers only “official” recognition of the qualities you already possess. Still, the distinction is gratifying, right?

    While I was aware, separately, of all the challenges you’re overcoming, reviewing them at once is astonishing. How can one person…?

    Then, on top of it all, you find the time to fill a blog. Honestly, Crystal, you spoil us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Keith! I played with the idea of going back to school for years before I did it. Silly me. I didn’t know I could study creative writing. A program of reading and writing!! Anyway, if I teach in public schools for 4 more years, I can draw retirement, and this degree will allow me to teach college. I’m keeping my options open. I have much life left to live. 🤍


  6. Thank you for sharing!!… congrats on your MFA, you go girl!!… as for the future…. 🙂

    When Is The Right Time, One Would Ask….

    To climb a mountain
    To fly a plane,
    To hug a friend
    To run naked in the rain.

    To stand up tall
    To make your thoughts known,
    To blend with a crowd
    To go it alone.

    To till the field
    To sow the seeds of peace and more,
    To pen a poem of love
    To write a musical score.

    To take this path
    To maybe take the other,
    To open ones heart
    To share it with another.

    Today, tomorrow perhaps?
    The answer is in the heart, you see,
    So when is the right time, one asks?
    When your heart wishes for it to be..
    ( Larry “Dutch” Woller ).

    Until we meet again..

    May the sun shine all day long
    Everything go right, nothing go wrong
    May those you love bring love back to you
    And may all the wishes you wish come true
    (Irish Saying)

    Liked by 2 people

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