Mom, Will You…

Lauren called late, 10:38, last Sunday night. She said, “Mom, will you come to Dallas?” I felt a tug in my heart. Something in her voice said, I need you, whether she said it or not.

“Of course, I’ll be there tomorrow,” I said. Lauren knew I had planned on making a trip sometime before the end of February. I just needed to wrap my brain around when. Just a month ago, I helped her load her Houston apartment into a U-Haul. She had lived fifteen minutes away. Now four hours. Part of my thirty-day purge required unloading some items from my house at Lauren’s new place. Still, when your child tells you you’re needed, you go. At least I do. If I’m able. And thank God I was. So I drove the road to Dallas beneath overcast gray skies.

Lauren is okay. New place. New job. Some of the same old stresses. How many times did I call my mother, especially in my twenties, with news of how the sky had fallen off my world? Sometimes a girl just needs her mom.

Together we hung a few things on the wall, some of my discards. “Anything you don’t want, we’ll give to Goodwill,” I said. Two small bags of things went back to my car. She let me rearrange some shelves and décor. We ate a few meals out, a few meals in, and each night we curled up on the couch and tried to make it to the end of a movie. We finally finished The Devil Wears Prada and concluded that no one needs to sell their soul for work or things.

And today I’m headed home. I don’t like the thought of leaving my baby girl alone. And so I leave her in God’s hands and trust. What else is a mama to do?

And for a quick post script, this week’s purge included 6 Christmas items, 13 decorative, 23 to Lauren, 5 more for dogs, 8 from one cabinet, and 31 from the garage straight to the trash. That’s 86 things no longer needed, used or loved, now gone from my house. AND, I’m 61 items ahead of schedule going into Week Three, which is awesome since I’ve been out of town. And at Lauren’s I helped her do the same 58 items out of her closet and dresser drawers. I had a trip planned to Goodwill anyway.

84 thoughts on “Mom, Will You…

  1. It just what we do. My son called me last night and yes, I answered and helped. I have asked for help from my mom and at times now, that has been turned around and I am the one called on. I find it a blessing to be able to help. It is just one more part of love.

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  2. Glad you could be there for her, Crystal. We still await the day we can go visit our son and daughter 1,200 km away. Maybe by fall. We hope to get on our serious home purge soon. We started, but were interrupted by a series of disasters, including a serious illness with a parent also 1,200 km away. Dealing with that has become a full time job. Stay well. Allan

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  3. Thank you for this! There are moments when we know we just need to be that presence for our kids, even when there’s nothing *really* wrong, we just want that hand of support in ours, just to know it’s all okay and will be okay. x

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  4. I always called my mother several times a day. Right after I got married my husband asked how many times a day I called my mother. I said, well as many times as I need to. Of course. A very happy story. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have a daughter in Ft Worth, small world.:-) The number that sticks out to me is the 31 items in the garage that went straight to trash. I think the contemporary garage has become like a closet for items that we don’t want to look at or deal with anymore. We have several (sweet, truly wonderful) neighbors that prefer to use their garages as storage rather than park their cars in there.

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  6. Beautiful, Crystal. How fitting you’d publish on Valentine’s Day weekend a story celebrating love and family.

    Obviously, both you and Lauren needed this shared moment. She made the call and you made the trip. Given the big move Lauren just made, you both wanted (and got) reassurance the other is still there. More distance, miles-wise, but closer than ever in all the other, more important, factors.

    Your Mom always was there for you when you needed her, and now you’re doing the same for Lauren. Someday, she’ll make the trip for someone else. And so on, and so on… Nice job on your part of this Eternal Love thing.

    Oh, congratulations on finishing Prada. When I did, it was something of a coup, because, you know, I’m a guy. Pretty enjoyable work, though, as I’m a Stanley Tucci fan. Meryl Streep, too, for that mater.

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  7. What a beautiful post. And what a sweet relationship. I’d drop everything to go see my sons. One is in Alaska and one in Washington state. They have wives so they don’t need me now (their wives say a Mom is always needed 🥲). I purged for several years and am now back in a small house (after RV life 4 years). I understand completely! God bless you. What a beautiful duo you two make. And I love Jesus Calling~it’s my go-to devotion by book.

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    1. Thank you so much, K. L. (those are my husband’s initials). I appreciate your visit and kind words. If my daughter had a good significant other, I would definitely worry less. Just one more thing for God’s hands. I hope you get to see your boys before too long!

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      1. You’re welcome, Crystal. I’m glad to share initials. 😊 I understand. Sadly, due to COVID-19, I was unable to see my oldest son last year. But I flew to Washington to meet my new granddaughter and then to Idaho to meet my daughter-in-law and grandson (my oldest had to stay on his base). It’s been two years since we’ve all been together (military life). Thank goodness for technology to keep up with all of them. Where would we be without our faith? Take care, Karla 💚


  8. I love this Crystal, your daughter is so lucky to have a Mom like you! What a lovely thing you did, getting behind the wheel, pointing yourself in her direction too. You two look so much alike! I have two daughters, and two sons, what an incredible blessing it is to experience this kind of love. God is good, C


    1. I think this was the best mother-daughter time we’ve ever spent. And I just might be a better mom of adult Lauren than adolescent Lauren. It’s never too late to try anyway. Thanks for cheering me on today, Cheryl!

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