A New Tradition

Have you ever opened the bible at random to find a divine message from God? Perhaps I have. If so, it’s been awhile.

A day or two after Thanksgiving, my daughter Lauren called to tell me about her encounter with God. I could hear her smile and energy through my cell phone. “I opened the Bible and ended up in Amos, and I was like, ‘Amos, where am I?’” She laughed her twenty-eight-year-old laugh. “And this is what I found, I’m going to read it.” She hesitated through the words. “‘Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is’ (Amos 5:14). The words were bolded. They jumped off the page. I was like, ‘Seek good, not evil.’” She paused. The way she phrased the scripture sounded more like a question. “Of course, that makes sense.”

And I said, “No matter what you believe, the Bible has some good advice.”

Lauren agreed, and eventually we said our goodbyes, and a day or so later while Facebook scrolling, I found this:

I texted the image and a message to Lauren: I saw this today. I think I’m going to do this.

 She texted me: Oh that sounds good maybe I should do that

Me to her: We could read it and talk about it. New tradition.

And so I read Luke 1. If I ever knew the story, I didn’t remember that the angel Gabriel appeared to Elizabeth’s husband as well as Mary to announce immaculate conceptions for both. Two immaculate conceptions. One for a menopausal woman. The other for a virgin. I love a good miracle. Miracles keep my hope alive.   

On December 1, my friend Denise called. Denise, my friend since age five. I told her about Luke, and she wanted to join Lauren and me in the new tradition.

Later she texted me and some friends: I’m reading Luke – a chapter a day. I hadn’t remembered Mary going to Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist). All we need is that one friend right!?! God knew.

And I texted: Love that perspective.

And Cheri texted: Same here. I’ll join you.

And now for Luke 2. Let me tell you, Luke is not messing around. He jumps into the story. Jesus is born, and within the chapter he is twelve. Sitting among teachers at the temple. Listening. Asking questions. Growing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.

And no matter what you believe, Jesus was a good guy. We could all learn a little something through him. Who’s in? New tradition. The reason for the season.

Photo by nappy on Pexels.com

34 thoughts on “A New Tradition

  1. Inspirational for sure Crystal. In this age of constant news spin and social media shaming, we have no trouble finding the evil. We may have to work extra hard to find the good, but it is out there, everywhere. Thanks for sharing hope. Allan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So tonight I’m reading chapter three, and it includes the genealogy of Jesus. I’m not sure of my takeaway, but it’s interesting, and I feel like I know something. Thanks for reading, Rosaliene!


  2. What a constructive and hopeful way to make the holidays sparkle, Crystal! Think of how “holidays” got that name, and the idea fits in beautifully with what you and others are doing.

    It’s almost as though your your hand, your mind, were inspired. Laus Deo!


  3. This is wonderful, I’ll catch up and read along with you! Luke is one of the gospels that has a lot of stories about women. It’ll be interesting to hear different interpretations and reactions. What a great idea Crystal especially this year. C


  4. I love it and I’m going to do it too. I’m so glad I saw this today. Thank you for sharing.


  5. That’s it isn’t it? “Seek Good not Evil.” I often encourage people of different faiths to find the good in each other’s beliefs. I find, so often, we see what we want’ to see and hear what we want to hear. I think the world is clearer when we notice that, and instead, seek the good. Be well my friend.


  6. I started this with a friend on Facebook a few days ago… I never knew about the chapter in which they wanted to throw Jesus off a cliff. So glad I read this❤️


    1. I keep finding little surprises and need to catch up on Luke 10 and 11 today. My takeaway so far—Jesus is all about forgiveness, healing, love, faith, and miracles. Follow him for a resurrection of your own when it’s time. All of that gives me hope.


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