Just Breathe

For those times when I have to remind myself to “Just Breathe,” I pull up this song from Pearl Jam’s ninth album. I’m not sure if it actually helps me breathe. In fact, it might just make me cry.

You might like the 2012 remake by Willie Nelson and his son Lukas.

But I’m loving this brand-new Miley Cyrus version. She’s set to release her seventh album on November 27, four days after her twenty-eighth birthday, and she is six months clean and sober. I’m finding her inspirational these days.

I would like to dedicate “Just Breathe” in loving memory of our Uncle Tony. December 24, 1950—October 9, 2020. We listened to some Pearl Jam together, and we had some really fun times. I think he might be listening right now.

“Yes, I understand that every life must end…Meet you on the other side.”

26 thoughts on “Just Breathe

  1. Ah, Crystal, you’re in my thoughts and you have my sympathy. The observation arises that this is a particularly cruel time for such a blow, but really, there never is good time for it to happen, of course.

    Tony definitely has it right, though, in that he’ll see us there. Until then, music can’t undo the longing, naturally, but it will soften it and, in turn, will enhance our anticipation. Everything we loved here will be there, though without the restrictions our ridiculous world imposes. Our time here is spent building to that moment. Music is its overture.

    Handel asked 300 years ago “What Passions cannot Music raise and quell?” Definitely applies today, and at such a time as this.

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  2. Emotion-filled song! As Miley sings it, I can imagine these words being a reminder to her as well as others about our own life journeys . . . just breathe! One of my teaching colleagues from years ago had a sign near her desk . . . Keep Breathing!


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